Lacrosse PEI Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software


What equipment do I need for Box Lacrosse?
You will need a helmet, gloves, bicep pads, shoulder pads, kidney pads, running shoes, mouthguard and a stick. Players are welcome to use helmets, elbow pads, and shoulder pads from hockey or ringette. Hockey gloves are ok to use, but lacrosse gloves are recommended.
Do I have to choose between provincial and regular season?
No. All players are expected to play in the regular season, but players who make the provincial teams will play both in the regular season and on the provincial team.
Should I go to provincial team tryouts if I’ve never played before?
Why not? We have first time players in all age groups. New players, especially those with experience in other sports, may possess lacrosse skills they are unaware of. Plus, anytime you can get a stick in your hand is a great opportunity for development, even if you don't make a team.
Will there be a lot of travel if I play in the regular seasons for box?
Box - Due to arena availability, there will be some travel required to start the regular season between Bedeque, Crapaud, and St. Peter’s for the first four weeks of the season before rinks in Charlottetown and Cornwall become available.

Field - Each season may vary, but in the last few years we have played the entirety of our field season out of Cornwall and Summerside.
For Box Lacrosse, what’s included in the regular season? What times and days will each age group play?
Schedules are never finalized until registrations are complete.
The U11, U14, and U17 divisions will include two sessions per week, starting with two practices a week, then one practice and one game per week, and finishing with two games per week to add up to at least ten games. Provided the targeted registration numbers are met, each division will consist of at least three teams.
The U8 and 17+ divisions will have one session per week. The U8 division will play out of a school gymnasium and sessions will consist of learning skills and mini games. The 17+ division will play one game per week

Are there any open and free try Lacrosse Sessions before the regular season starts?

Yes. We will have these every year. Keep your eyes open for notices and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Does the regular season have a female-only options?
We do not have plans for a female only league or teams, based on our historical registration numbers. We would absolutely explore this though if the 2025 registration numbers amongst female athletes warrants that conversation. In the mean time, players can expect a co-ed experience in the regular season and provincial experience with the exception of U17 Provincial which is all female players.  
Why are the age groups in the regular season different from the provincial teams?
The regular season age groups are decided by Lacrosse PEI and meant to fit what is best for the sport in our province. Due to our smaller population, LPEI has expanded to three-year age groups to ensure there are enough players in each age division to have a quality season. The provincial age groups are set by Lacrosse Canada in accordance with the National Championship age groups.

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